Other Action Ideas


Arrange for a speaker.

Arrange a visit to an organization that works with people on the margins.

Ask preachers to speak more about social justice.

Attend a budget hearing or meet with town manager or municipal official & have questions and concerns to discuss.

Attend a local, regional or national conference.

Attend local government meetings.

Be an advocate for individuals or groups.

Be aware of the sources of purchases.

Reduce energy consumption, recycle, reuse.

Be more aware of local, national & global issues.


Contact media outlets when they promote stereotypes.

Contact one of these to see what is happening and how to get more involved:

  • Parish/congregation
  • Local diocese
  • State conference
  • Local area religious leader’s organization

Create/display flags, banners, candles, images, posters etc. that reflect your values.

Cross social boundaries. Seek out opportunities to interact with people who are different.

Donate directly to those in need.

Distribute leaflets, posters.

Drink less bottled water and more tap water.

Eat more fruit & vegetables and less meat.

Encourage local police force to identify bias-motivated criminal acts as hate crimes.

Express values in conversations with family, friends & neighbors.

Facilitate a small faith sharing group.

Examine a copy of a municipal or county budget & identify values issues and questions.

Find out more about church teaching.

Follow news stories on a particular issue.

Get to know the names and stories of a few of the people in your area who are on the margins.

Identify a moral issue in the Federal Budget and organize a letter writing campaign around it.

Learn more about the issues.

Make a documentary. (A free guide is available at https://www.jenreviews.com/how-to-make-a-documentary/)


  • Events on social media
  • Petition drives

Participate in:

  • Boycotts
  • Marches, pilgrimages, vigils
  • Relevant theater
  • Small faith sharing group
  • Rallies

Post items on social media.

Pray & deepen spirituality.

Provide financial support to individuals & organizations.

Read social justice publications.

Set up an appointment with your U.S. representative or policy staff person when s/he is in your district.

Sign up for text alerts regarding pending legislation or current events.

Speak to the humanity & divinity of all you meet.

Speak up when slurs are used. Let others know that biased speech is unacceptable.

Subscribe to a social justice periodical.

Support work actions & strikes by local workers.

Take classes on the issues.

Take a survey for hidden biases at Teaching Tolerance.

Teach justice education.

Learn about and use a social analysis process: learn, judge, act.

Use the economic power of your company.

Vote your principles.

Wear clothing or buttons with messages.


  • Letters to newspaper editors
  • Letters to diocesan newspapers
  • Letters to alumni newsletters
  • Letters to representatives
  • To prisoners
  • People in other countries
  • News articles, persuasive essays
  • Poems
  • Prayers of the faithful for church services
  • Songs/music

For more ideas visit the Southern Poverty Law Center