Prayer for Healing Victims of Abuse
God of endless love, ever caring, ever strong, always present, always just, You gave your only Son to save us by the blood of his cross.
Gentle Jesus, shepherd of peace join to your own suffering the pain of all who have been hurt in body, mind and spirit by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.
Hear our cries as we agonize over the harm done to our brothers and sisters. Breathe wisdom into our prayers; soothe restless hearts with hope; steady shaken spirits with faith; show us the way to justice and wholeness; enlightened by truth and enfolded in your mercy.
Holy Spirit, comforter of hearts, heal your people’s wounds and transform our brokenness.Grant us courage and wisdom, humility and grace, so that we may act with justice and find peace in you.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
US Conference of Catholic Bishops
God of peace, there are many places and many people who do not experience your peace. Right now there are many, many women and children who live under the dark weight of the fear of violence right in their own homes. We pray for your protection, and for wisdom for friends and officials to help bring that right protection to them. We pray for the many men who themselves feel powerless and confused about their relationships. We ask that you would help them find healthy ways to work out their frustrations and to find hope without resorting to destructive impulses. God, work in our country to stem this epidemic. We ask for your perfect peace…”
Loving God, be with all men and women who are in doubt about their intimate relationships. Give them clarity of mind and peaceful hearts so that they can make good decisions guided by Your love. Let those who must, discern any abuse that may exist so that they can learn to care for themselves with Your help. Let those who must, acknowledge that they are harming the other, so they can learn to abhor their own behavior and come to true repentance and amendment of life. Keep us all safe in our relationships. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Gracious God, You created us in Your image and breathed life into us, a life You want us to live abundantly. We ask You to free those living with abuse physically, mentally or spiritually, from their oppression, so that they may walk in peace and enjoy a life full of Your blessings. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
O Lord, help us to be strong stewards of all You have entrusted to us. Give us the courage and Your strength to stand against violence inflicted upon Your precious people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Almighty God, we pray for all victims of abuse. We ask you to surround them with Your care and protect them by Your loving might and permit them to enjoy health and healing, wholeness and strength, calmness and peace and love. Most of all, we pray that they feel Your presence and be confident in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Teaching God, we pray that You open our ears, our eyes, and our hearts to be more aware, outreaching, and supportive to people in abusive situations, so that they won’t feel alone and know that someone cares. Let us love them as You have loved us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Merciful God, we give you thanks for your gift of strength and life and especially for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, through whom we have health and salvation. Help us by Your Holy Spirit to witness your power in our lives and to know your eternal love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Compassionate God, protect the innocent children who suffer or witness violence and abuse at the hands of the ones they love. Bring them to a safe place where they can begin to heal. Restore their minds to trust and their hearts to love and their spirits to be free. Surround them with your angels. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Loving God, we gather here today to remember those who are affected by violence and abuse and for whom we are concerned. We come with our requests to you and ask that you hear our prayer. Alone we can do nothing. With your guidance and blessing we can move mountains. Open us to the problems both in our neighborhoods and in the neighborhoods of others.
Ever-living and loving God, you provoke us to the challenge of our time. Keep us constantly aware to the concerns of violence. Inspire each of us to know the urgency of your call to address the many needs that surround us. Give us the fortitude to respond to the tasks before us according to Your will. Be with us today, loving God, comfort us but not protect us from the work that needs to be done.
Let us leave this gathering more concerned about issues of violence and abuse that surround us. We ask You for the strength to share our convictions, the compassion for the abused, the wisdom to plant seeds that encourage people to think and ponder these serious issues. Watch over with care, those who are violated and those who strive to do your work in your name. Amen.
Terry Morneau
Gracious God, you created us in your image and breathed life into us. A life you want us to live abundantly. We ask you to free those living with abuse physically, mentally or spiritually, from their oppression, so that they may walk in peace and enjoy a life full of your blessings. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
MNYS Domestic Violence Awareness Task Force
Compassionate God, protect the innocent children who suffer or witness violence and abuse at the hands of the ones they love. Bring them to a safe place where they can begin to heal. Restore their minds to trust and their hearts to love and their spirits to be free.
MNYS Domestic Violence Awareness Task Force
Almighty God & Everlasting Lord,
You are the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. We pray this week for those who have been abused within our churches and the wider communities across our nation.
Have compassion upon all who have suffered the injustice, humiliation and pain of abuse – sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual and all other forms of sinful conduct.
In the midst of their distressing circumstances, give them courage to speak. May your perfect love drive out fear and anxiety. In your mercy, create opportunities for these men, women and children to share their pain, reveal their struggles and expose the hurtful actions of others.
Give grace, sensitivity and wisdom to all who will minister to the victims and survivors of abuse. Strengthen those who have been abused and their carers with the certainty of your love for them. In all things, we ask that your name be glorified and that we – your people – do justice, love kindness and walk humbly before you.
We humbly plead these things in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who died and rose and now sits at your right hand in glory.
Matthias Media
God our redeemer and sustainer, we pray for the survivors of violence, abuse and neglect. Be with them in confusion and pain. Give your power to the powerless, your fullness to the empty of spirit. Heal their wounds, free them from fear and restore them to true health. Strengthen them to face the future with faith in you. We ask this through Jesus your Son, who was himself a victim of abuse and yet in his resurrection, triumphed over the oppression.
Likewise, God of justice, judge of all the earth, we bring before you those who abuse and mistreat others. Turn the hearts of the exploiters from the way of evil. Open their eyes to the truth of their conduct and full them with hatred for the damage they do. And so by your Spirit bring them to true repentance and amendment of their lives.
And now, may your Spirit draw us together, both in our church family, and in the community. May we face our mistakes with complete honesty. But preserve us from unhelpful speculation and gossip. Help us reach out, care for the hurting, and support each other. Strengthen us with the gospel of your grace, for Jesus’ Christ’s sake. Amen.
Matthias Media