Education System Prayers

Education System

Holy Spirit, let the wisdom of God come alive among us. Awaken the awareness and compassion of our community leaders and legislators to the disparities within our current education system. Convict the hearts of those who are not performing their duties in integrity and fairness. Help them to become more diligent and focused on their obligation to protect the rights of all children to have access to the best academic experience possible.

The Prayer Institute

God, We recognize that we are empowered to close the literacy gap between those who are advantaged and those who are disadvantaged. We commit to share our means, time, and talents to ensure that all the children of our community are well-equipped with all that they need to secure a solid and progressive education. Acting as salt and light within our city, we commit to improve the accessibility of a quality education for everyone.

The Prayer Institute

A Prayer for Schools

O God, our Teacher, You invite people to announce the good news to the poor, so we thank You for the gift of our schools, where service to our brothers and sisters is modeled. Increase our zeal for ensuring that all children and families can benefit from a quality education, and that our schools grow in their ability to nurture the soul of our nation.

Alliance for Catholic Education

Lord of Heaven, we ask that justice run down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream within our local school districts.  We commit that equality will rule in every district and that the same quality of education we would expect our children to receive is the same quality that our teachers and administrators will sow into the lives of all children. 

We commit that our educators, board members and administrators will do what is right, just, and fair and they will find the right way to go.  Wisdom will enter their hearts and knowledge will fill them with joy.  God, You do not show favoritism, so we declare that our educators, board members and administrators will not show favoritism when it comes to allocating resources and funds.


Kingdom Builders