Hunger Prayers

God our sustainer, we ask you to pour your powerful Spirit into all who are empty this day: Fill the hearts of persons who are troubled. Fill the minds of men and women who are confused.

Fill the stomachs of your children who are hungry. Fill the souls of people who are feeling lost. Fill the lives of all who need you, but do not know you. May your Spirit fill us all to overflowing, dear Lord, and may we be inspired to share our abundance with others, so that there will be no more empty hearts and minds, stomachs and souls. We pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ, who fills lives with your endless grace.

The Face of Hunger

Most merciful God of all creation, we come to Your throne of grace with praise and thanks for all the rich blessings you have bestowed so freely upon all your children. We worship You and offer unending thanksgiving for Your love, Your justice and Your sustaining mercy.

We ask for special mercy this day for those crushed by poverty and those oppressed by forces beyond their control. We pray that those in the shadow of starvation may see the light of your presence in the form of life-sustaining food and that the hungry everywhere might be fed until they are filled.

Open our hearts, Lord, that we may see through Your eyes. Help us to love our brothers and sisters even as You love us. And let Your love, Your mercy and Your grace flow through us as we strive to meet the need of the least of these among us. In a world so richly blessed there are none that should lack daily bread. Our prayer is that You would empower us to do whatever needs to be done to see that Your gifts are shared with all our family.

 Allow us Lord to be a true ambassador of reconciliation. Grant us the strength to be real peacemakers. And may our lives be a clear reflection of Your love and compassion in every situation.

The Face of Hunger

Most gracious God,
who gives the fruits of the earth
for the benefit of all your creatures,
we give thanks to you for abundant harvests
and plentiful production on this earth.
We pray for those in our land who are denied these gifts,
and seek your forgiveness for our complicity in their want.
We pray for those whose voices are not heard and for those who do not hear.
Forgive us when our choices are selfish ones,
and forgive us especially when we do not choose
to raise our own voice against the pain of our brothers and sisters who suffer needless want.
Most of all, O God, we give you thanks for the revelation of your love in Jesus Christ, who came that everyone might have abundant life.


Pax Christi, USA

Heavenly Father, we pray for an end to world hunger. When we give thanks for our own daily food, we include all who are hungry at home and abroad and not take for granted how blessed we really are.


Bread of life, Bread of Heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread.
Feed those, who are hungry.

Bread for the World

O God, you entrusted to us the fruits of all creation so that we might care for the earth and be nourished with its bounty.

You sent us your Son to share our very flesh and blood and to teach us your Law of Love. Through His death and resurrection, we have been formed into one human family.

Jesus showed great concern for those who had no food even transforming five loaves and two fish into a banquet that served five thousand and many more.

We come before you, O God, conscious of our faults and failures, but full of hope to share food with all members in this global family.

Through your wisdom, inspire leaders of government and of business, as well as all the world’s citizens, to find just, and charitable solutions to end hunger by assuring that all people enjoy the right to food.

Thus we pray, O God, that when we present ourselves for divine judgment, we can proclaim ourselves as “One Human Family” with “Food for All”.


O God, our Creator, through our elected leaders and our government, you sustain all you have made. We pray especially for people who are seeking election to political offices in our country. Grant them integrity and wisdom to focus on matters that strengthen our government and provide help and opportunity to people in need. Give us courage to challenge candidates to address issues of hunger and poverty. As we prepare to cast our votes, may we be guided by vision of love, justice and mercy. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

Bread for the World

Click on these links for more prayers:

Catholic Relief Services

The Forward Movement of the Episcopal Church