Creator God, thank you for providing us with the gift to share our talents. Provide our community, our nation, our world the fortitude to provide work for all which is decent and fair. Make us faithful stewards of your creation to enhance the human dignity of our global family. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit now and forever.
The Catechism and Social Justice, US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Responsive Prayer
We pray for those who toil under the promise of wages, later denied them by employers who prey on their vulnerability.
God of justice, loosen the bonds of injustice.
We pray for those workers who must struggle for their pay, under the threat of job loss, intimidation, and even violence.
God of justice, loosen the bonds of injustice.
We pray for employers who have victimized those who are most vulnerable. We pray that they may hear the cries of the victims of wage theft. We seek justice for workers. We rejoice in your commandments. We take your commandment “thou shalt not steal” into our hearts, and use it to guide our conscience and our action against those who steal from workers.
God of justice, loosen the bonds of injustice.
Workers Interfaith Network
Prayer for a Fair Wage Increase and Financial Security
Dear Lord, we thank you for the many blessings bestowed upon us. Today we want to praise you for job security and a place to call home, however our cry today is for an increase in wage to provide financial security. We come before you humbly and ask you to open doors in our current employment and create an increase towards financial security. Lord you know our struggles and we come to you in Faith knowing you will create a way. Amen
Prayers for Special Help
Prayer for a Living Wage
Living God, we confess that we have not fully accepted the challenge of seeking Your justice in the world. We define justice in ways that preserve our own self-interest, forgetting that Your justice may call us to great sacrifice.
We pray for workers whose wages are so low that they face terrible choices between paying the rent and feeding their families.
God of compassion, hear our prayer.
We pray that the courageous cries of workers for justice will be heard by their employers, by the community, and by our government.
God of compassion, hear our prayer.
We pray for employers in our city, that they will accept their responsibility to pay their workers enough to live.
God of compassion, hear our prayer.
We pray for companies that abuse the dignity of their workers and refuse to see their employees as brothers and sisters.
God of compassion, hear our prayer.
We pray for all the citizens of our community, that we will hold our government and businesses in our community accountable for the ways they treat their workers.
God of compassion, hear our prayer.
Hear now O God the prayers that we lift aloud or in silence to you.
Rebekah Jordan
Click on the these links for more prayers: