A White Catholic’s Guide to Racism and Privilege

White Catholics Guide to Racism and Privilege

By Daniel P. Horan, O.F.M. The author shares what he has since learned about uncovering and combatting racial inequity in our nation and in our Church, urging us to join the fight. Speaks prophetically to what has become a gnawing unease for so many. With candid critique and reflection, helps readers makes sense of crucial issues such as:

  • The difference between what sociologists call common-sense racism and systemic racism.
  • What is meant by white privilege and how is contributes to racial injustices.
  • The Catholic Church’s teachings about racism, how those can still be developed, and what those teachings require of us.
  • Combatting racism in our everyday lives.

Shows his fellow white Catholics how to become actively anti-racist and better allies to our Black brothers and sisters as we work against racism in our culture and in the Church. Offers hope and surety of the Gospel, the wisdom of Catholic tradition, and some practical ways to educate ourselves and advocate for justice. Each chapter includes a substantial suggested-reading list. Read more.