Edited by Jim Yong Kim, Joyce Millen, Alec Irwin and John Gershman. Provides an examination of how unequal patterns of growth and social inequality on a global scale have resulted in dire consequences for those who cannot afford health care. Examines the connections between poverty and illness debunks statistics that depict the health status on a global scale as improving. Shows there is an uneven distribution of health improvements: the wealthy have access to comprehensive medical care while the poor are dying from preventable diseases. Access to resources is restricted, even in the midst of technological advancements in medicine. Examines how international organizations such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and World Trade Organization along with Trans-National Corporations influence political and economic structures of nations which in turn affect the accessibility , cost, and quality of health care provided (if any). The central question raised concerns what pattern of growth will benefit those in need the most and how can global resources be redirected from the powerful few to the many of the world’s poor? Read more.