Immigration Websites

Alianza Americas

Works trans-nationally with partners from civil society and government, organized labor and faith-based communities to bring about a more inclusive, equitable and...
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America’s Voice

Works to enact policy change that guarantees full labor, civil and political rights for immigrants and their families in partnership with progressive,...
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Border Fact Check

A resource of the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA),  a leading research and advocacy organization advancing human rights and social justice...
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Border Kindness/Bondad Frontera

A nonprofit organization that provides asylum-seekers, migrants, refugees, and the displaced with comprehensive services that include food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and...
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Borderless Magazine

A nonprofit and multilingual news outlet based in Chicago that believes in the power of immigration voices. Reports and publishes stories in...
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Connects divided communities, raises awareness about the impact of border and immigration policies, and inspires action for social transformation. Read more.

Boundless Immigration

A Seattle based company that works to empower families navigate the immigration system more  confidently, rapidly, and affordably. Features a report on...
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Café Justo

A grower owned coffee cooperative based in southern Chiapas Mexico, formed to address the poverty and migration from Mexico to the U.S.A....
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Shares the mission of the Catholic Church to serve the poor and to promote charity and justice throughout the world. Read more....
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Catholic Charities USA

Welcomes refugees and immigrants to America and assists member agencies help them get settled in their new homes and communities. They help...
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Center for Migration Studies

A think tank and educational institute devoted to the study of international migration, to the promotion of understanding between immigrants and receiving...
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Christians & Immigration

A Sojourners “e-book,” part of a related series for personal reflection and group conversation about living out God’s call to put faith...
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Emma Tee

A clothing line from the American Civil Liberties Union, that quotes the famous poem by Emma Lazarus poem on the Statue of...
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Exodus World Service

Mobilizes the Christian community to welcome refugees by educating churches about refugee ministry, connecting volunteers with newly arriving refugees through practical service...
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Faces of DACA

A resource from the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Each page provides the brief story of an individual affected by the Deferred Action for...
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Faith and Immigration Justice

An 8-week program from JustFaith Ministries in partnership with Maryknoll, that invites participants to formulate a personal response to the 21st-century reality...
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Feast of St. Francis Programs

The Catholic Climate Covenant produces a free educational program to help faith communities explore how they can better care for creation and the poor....
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Freedom for Immigrants

Through their visitation network, hotline, and other initiatives, works to abolish immigration detention worldwide, while ending the isolation of people currently suffering...
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Global Citizen

Asocial action platform for a global community committed to social change and to solve the world’s biggest challenges and what matters most. Read...
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Global Workers Justice Alliance

Works to eliminate worker exploitation by promoting portable justice for transnational migrants through a cross-border network of worker advocates and resources. Read...
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Great Immigrants Great Americans

An initiative of the Carnegie Corporation that celebrates the exemplary contributions of immigrants to American life. The Corporation honors naturalized citizens who...
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Higher Ed Immigration Portal

A long-term, strategic project of the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration. The Portal provides a digital platform that integrates data,...
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Hope Border Institute

Brings the perspective of Catholic social teaching to bear on the realities unique to the U.S.-Mexico border region. Through a robust program...
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Immigrants List

Works for comprehensive immigration reform and the candidates who will work toward that goal in Congress. Read more.  

Immigration Impact

A project of the American Immigration Council, looks at different aspects of immigration such as: Business and the Workforce Changing Culture Due...
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Immigration Road

Provides an “immigration flow chart” to illustrate most of the paths to permanent residence status in the US. Read more.

Informed Immigrant

An collaboration of more than 1,000 organizations offering on-the-ground legal support, healthcare services, and more, in an easy-to-access online resource offering the most up-to-date...
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Interfaith Welcome Coalition

A faith-based movement that collaborates with others on behalf of the changing needs of asylum seekers, refugees and at-risk immigrants — primarily...
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Jane Addams Hull House

A dynamic Chicago memorial to social reformer Jane Addams, the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, and her colleagues...
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Jesuit Refugee Service

Accompanies, serves and advocates for the rights of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. Read more.  

Just Neighbors

Provides immigration legal services to low-income immigrants and refugees of all faiths and nationalities, especially those who are most vulnerable. Read more....
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JustFaith Ministries

Offers programs and resources to people of faith to sustain them in their compassionate commitment to build a more just and peaceful...
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Justice in Motion

Protects migrant rights by ensuring justice across borders through legal action, the defender network, policy advocacy, family reunification and the child detention...
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Mennonite Central Committee

A worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches, responds to basic human needs and works for peace and justice. Envisions communities in right relationship...
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Migration Policy Institute

An independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide and provides analysis, development,...
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National Immigrant Justice Center

A Heartland Alliance Program; protects human rights and provides access to justice for all immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Learn more.

National Immigration Forum

Advocates for the value of immigrants and immigration to the nation by promoting responsible federal immigration policies, addressing today’s economic and national...
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Network Lobby

Advocates for justice by provides information and resources such a toolbox of materials and a brief history of immigration in the US....
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No More Deaths

Works to end death and suffering on the U.S./Mexico border through civil initiative with the conviction that people of conscience must work...
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Pax Christi USA

An anti-racist, multicultural Catholic movement for peace with justice that advocates and provides leadership for disarmament, demilitarization and reconciliation with justice, inclusiveness,...
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POV Films

POV (“point of view”) Films is television’s longest-running showcase for independent non-fiction films. Premieres 14-16 of the best, most innovative programs every...
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Project Amplify

A national nonprofit organization that works to establish legal protections for children in government care so that the brutality discovered on the...
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Refugee Research Blog

A resource from the Migration and Refugee Services of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops; provides information about how refugees do after...
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Encourages Christians to put their faith into action in the passionate pursuit of social justice, peace, and environmental stewardship through resources like...
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Sponsor Circles

A community-led initiative that supports everyday Americans in taking on the responsibility of welcoming newcomers to their communities. Enables groups of individuals...
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Study, Think, Act, Respond Together. Promotes a way to study and work together with others to create a better world. Learn more...
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Statistic Brain

Provides accurate and timely statistics on a wide variety of subjects. Read more about US deportations.

The Jesuit Border Podcast

A resource from several recently ordained Jesuit priests working in the diocese of Brownsville, TX, along the U.S.-Mexico border. Each week they...
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U.S. Census Bureau

Provides a wide variety of statistics and information about the population of the US. with maps, graphs and surveys. Read more.  

Unidos US

Formerly known as NCLR—Unidos is a nonpartisan voice for Latinos. They serve the Hispanic community through research, policy analysis, and state and...
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United Church of Christ

The church’s mission is to change lives — individually, systemically and globally. Learn more.  

Upwardly Global

Works to eliminate employment barriers for skilled immigrants and refugees, and integrate this population into the professional U.S. workforce. Learn more.

Wilson Center

Chartered by Congress as the official memorial to President Woodrow Wilson, tackles global issues through independent research and open dialogue to...
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Witness for Peace

Committed to nonviolence and led by faith and conscience, supports peace, justice and sustainable economies in the Americas by changing U.S. policies...
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A leading research and advocacy organization advancing human rights in the Americas. Envisions a future where public policies protect human rights and...
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